The Inheritance
The Inheritance, a captivating drama airing on Channel 5, features acclaimed actors Robert James-Collier, Gaynor Faye, and Larry Lamb. This series intricately follows the lives of three siblings - Daniel, Sian, and Chloe - as they grapple with the sudden loss of their father, Dennis.
At The East Wing, based in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, at the heart of the North East, we specialise in comprehensive audio post-production services. For The Inheritance, we meticulously handled dub mixing, seamlessly blending all sound elements to create a polished and impactful sound mix for the drama.
In addition to dub mixing, our services encompass sound effects, Foley, ADR, and audio dialogue editing. Our expertise in audio post-production ensures that every aspect of the audio enhances the viewer's experience.
Contact us today to elevate your project with our professional audio post-production services. Whether you're in Sunderland, Middlesbrough, Durham, or anywhere across the United Kingdom, we're dedicated to meeting your audio needs and exceeding your expectations.
The Inheritance, a captivating drama airing on Channel 5, features acclaimed actors Robert James-Collier, Gaynor Faye, and Larry Lamb. This series intricately follows the lives of three siblings - Daniel, Sian, and Chloe - as they grapple with the sudden loss of their father, Dennis.
At The East Wing, based in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, at the heart of the North East, we specialise in comprehensive audio post-production services. For The Inheritance, we meticulously handled dub mixing, seamlessly blending all sound elements to create a polished and impactful sound mix for the drama.
In addition to dub mixing, our services encompass sound effects, Foley, ADR, and audio dialogue editing. Our expertise in audio post-production ensures that every aspect of the audio enhances the viewer's experience.
Contact us today to elevate your project with our professional audio post-production services. Whether you're in Sunderland, Middlesbrough, Durham, or anywhere across the United Kingdom, we're dedicated to meeting your audio needs and exceeding your expectations.
The Inheritance, a captivating drama airing on Channel 5, features acclaimed actors Robert James-Collier, Gaynor Faye, and Larry Lamb. This series intricately follows the lives of three siblings - Daniel, Sian, and Chloe - as they grapple with the sudden loss of their father, Dennis.
At The East Wing, based in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, at the heart of the North East, we specialise in comprehensive audio post-production services. For The Inheritance, we meticulously handled dub mixing, seamlessly blending all sound elements to create a polished and impactful sound mix for the drama.
In addition to dub mixing, our services encompass sound effects, Foley, ADR, and audio dialogue editing. Our expertise in audio post-production ensures that every aspect of the audio enhances the viewer's experience.
Contact us today to elevate your project with our professional audio post-production services. Whether you're in Sunderland, Middlesbrough, Durham, or anywhere across the United Kingdom, we're dedicated to meeting your audio needs and exceeding your expectations.