Christmas Presence AKA Why Hide?


Christmas Presence, an AMC/Shudder Original, is a Comedy Horror feature that centers around a group of six friends spending Christmas together in a remote stately home as they battle with personal and literal demons in their struggle to escape. The East Wing provided full audio post-production, from a cinematic score to a 5.1 dubbing mix.

At the beginning of the film, we aimed for natural soundscapes, ensuring that each sound had its correct space in the world of the movie. But as the presence made itself felt in the film, we crafted an eerie soundscape that contributed to the growing sense of claustrophobia and dread.

Later on in the film, we were tasked with creating a full-on chaotic auditory experience as the demonic presence took on each character's greatest fear. Whether it was a literal demon in the form of Kwaku Anansi or a character's inner demons, there was plenty for our team to sink their teeth into!

At The East Wing, we believe that sound design plays a crucial role in setting the tone and atmosphere of a film. Our team worked meticulously to ensure that Christmas Presence had a soundscape that kept the audience engaged and invested in the film from start to finish.

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